Sunday, December 28, 2008

Which Transformer Are You?


Take the quiz here! [link]

And I promptly die. I laughed so hard and my mom said it was scary.

Took it again and changed a few answers that where going to be my other answer and got Bumblebee >__>

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Last Bit

Well, Christmas is officially over, which is almost unbelievable I mean what happend? Normally a new year isn't much for me, its just another day but this year, just wow. Speaking of which New Years is only a couple days away! Meaning I got me a b-day coming up! And ya know what I want? To see the some sort of official teasers for Revenge of the Fallen!!! If the rumors are true, I might actually watch the Superbowl this year. lol Should be awesome nonetheless. Let's cross our fingers Micheal Bay has, again, done it right :]

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Song

Here's the actual song [link] I'd post it up here but it takes to long to get rid of all the stupid adds icons and search icons that come with the code. That and I don't know what all to delete I end up deleting to much and the whole player goes away >__<. One of my favorite songs on The Lost Christmas Eve...though I do pretty much like them all XD

Offical Website

Friday, December 12, 2008

Tarot Card Result

You are The Hermit

Prudence, Caution, Deliberation.

The Hermit points to all things hidden, such as knowledge and inspiration,hidden enemies. The illumination is from within, and retirement from participation in current events.

The Hermit is a card of introspection, analysis and, well, virginity. You do not desire to socialize; the card indicates, instead, a desire for peace and solitude. You prefer to take the time to think, organize, ruminate, take stock. There may be feelings of frustration and discontent but these feelings eventually lead to enlightenment, illumination, clarity.

The Hermit represents a wise, inspirational person, friend, teacher, therapist. This a person who can shine a light on things that were previously mysterious and confusing.

What Tarot Card are You?
Take the Test to Find Out.

Here's another

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It's the Illusion of Change

Yeah, I changed the layout of my page here. I like it but my poll thingy is cut off. Can't see the 'vote' bottom. Whatever. I might change it back later idk.

Deepest apologies for those who know and/or read my stories, my stories Mission One Objective: Prelude didn't get updated like it normally does on Sunday nights this past Sunday. Sorry. I was going to work on it during Thanksgiving holiday and as it turned out I was going to be busy when I had planned on working on it. No one ever informs me of anything until its the last minute around here soooo yeah.

Here lately I haven't been able to find a lot of inspiration/motivation/muse eh, whatever you want to call it but I really haven't been writing a lot. Serious. Not as much as I use to, WANT to. It sucks balls. I haven't been drawing a lot either though the past couple days I have been more so which I'm happy about. I've been doing a lot of other stuff too that's helped preoccupy my time. Like watching G Gundam & SD Gundam (oh the memories ^_^). Loads of fun. What's really amazing though, is that I haven't been reading a lot. Me not reading is like. . .a paradox or something. Okay probably the wrong word but I don't care to look a right one at the moment.

Like cookies (and/or chocolate) w/out milk. heh yeah.

I just started reading one book today forcing myself to get back into my old habits. Reading being one. Reading Paranoia by Joseph Finder. My grandma took me out to get a Christmas present yesterday and we stopped at her 'junk store' as she calls it and I picked up some books to read on. I already have like two, three I need to finish first but just either don't want to just lost momentary dis-interest. idk.

Hopefully I'll get back to the things I need to get done by the weekend. Which is like tommorow. Thank God.

Well that's all I can think of for now.

-PR out!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Roush 600RE

For my story Brothers in Arms

I tried finding the best info. on the Ford, couldn't find all that I'd prefer but it helps give you an image for your minds eye.

Here's some links for more info:

Edmunds Inside Line

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yay For Firefox!!

Alright like I was saying earler my laptop that my aunt gave me that wouldn't let me watch videos and listen to music and stuff. My mom took the thing to work with her to get a friend to work on it. He worked one it almost all day, he did everything under the sun he could think of, FINALLY it works. I'm soooo happy now ^__^. He got the windows installer thing to stop poping up. He didn't know what it was but got it to stop. lol. He installed firefox into the laptop - since it didn't have it installed yet - but now it does and it WORKS.

Got home last night and watched Gundam Wing on it. I was a happy camper!! Yeah!

Now though we have to open up the Internet via Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. The thing is alright, looks awekward on my laptop and when I save pictures the side bar thing-y pops up and scans it for viruses. It gets in the way while I'm doing other stuff. Other than that Its alright, still figuring the thing out.

Its different from the one at school though which is odd but its probably an older version or something. Idk. But I can watch my anime at home instead of going to my grandparents and listen to my Pandora.

Like I said I'm a happy camper now. Or at least satisfied at the moment. . .heh >__>

-PrimeR out!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

I Hate This >[ With A Capital 'H'

I'm beginning to think that my pc has something aginst me. I'm serious. It just started screwing up this past urm friday? Yeah friday. My mom was trying to update it and get some viruses off it. Why I don't know, everytime she does something to the computer it always messes up or does something it isn't suppose to do or hasn't done before. Bugs the hell out of me. Well Firday she seriously screwed it up. Well, honestly I don't think it was her only half her fault.

See somehow - I've yet to find out how - but we have this Antiviruse 2009 now on my pc. Coming saturday - started randomly popping up this blue screen talking about getting rid of phystical memory and stuff...unplugged the computer from the back of the tower so it didn't. - and its NOT suppose TO BE UP THERE!!. (heh major run on sentince there) But from what I can tell ITS the culprit for screw up the pc. I want my own little laptop so my mom wont screw it up. Gotta get a job first lol. Now I'm stuck using my laptop that my aunt gave me after she finished her studies. It works alright, slow as all get out (that phrase is so contradictory) and DOESN'T have Adobe Flash Player!?! We've tried installing it to many times for me to count and it has yet to install. Always says 'Attempt to install has failed'.

Its the thing that allows you to watch video's on the internet like on Youtube and other places. And to listen to Imeem, Zune, etc ect. But now since this laptop doesn't have it I'm stuck with clear boxes with the little white boxes with the red 'x's' in the middle top left hand courner. It sucks. I'm using my mp3 player.

AND I CAN'T WATCH GUNDAM WING!?!?!? Its an alright series but, well, its alright.

I can go over to my grandma's - was today but I didn't want to push it since my grandparents are like that - probably will tommorow. On episode 32. <3 On another note, besides my pc craping out on me my week has also sucked. My Dad pissed me off first then my grandma. What's funny is yesterday I went out and walked around in the fields and down by the powerlines yesterday, alone. There's bears out there. They can eat you. Heh, my mom found out earler this morning said what I thought she said. I didn't and still don't really care. Got a lot of cool photo's of the sunset and me on the deerstand later - couldn't get into the deerstand box b/c it was locked. That was probably the only - single - highlight of my week. I'll be updating Mission One Objective: Prologue sometime soon hopefully.

I don't know if it's related to flash player not working or not but it won't let me insert links for some reason up here.

*headsdesk* *blood splatter sound effect*

Friday, November 7, 2008

Wow. . .just wow.

I feel retarded now. I was writing down my address to 'Whats Up?' because when I'd go to type it into the address bar it always would show something like "this site does not excest etc etc. Well I found out why now. *smakes self*

I have ...'notthecelling' instead of 'nottheceiling' which it suppose to be. Man. Its an understandable mistake I guess. Not going to change it right now because I'm in school but I'll right it when I get home.

*EDIT* 11/7-`08: okay I changed my mistakes now. Its 'ceiling' not 'celling' lol


Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ever have one of those days that despite it completely sucking (which seems for frequent than not) there's this one moment that, when ever you think about it, you can't help but grinning with childish giddy? I had one of those moments today. I wont go into detail about what the moment was but I can admit I wouldn't mind having more moments like that during the day.

I'm not one that acts with constant immaturity, I really hate immaturity/childishness or rather immaturity when its not appropiate, which is the worse kind of all. I can act immature but I know when not to and when I can and get away with it without guilt later on. But that moment was a little 'childish' perhaps, or just me having a type of 'fun' that I don't normally have that others indulge themselves in way to much they should have drowned in by now.

Yes I'm a very boring person.

Sorry, totally random, but I felt that I needed to get that out, it was plauging me.

*off to work on a story that needs to be updated sometime before this year ends*

Brainstorm by `Davenit

Friday, October 31, 2008

I Need to Clean My Keyboard

All I ever talk about is weather and school you know that. Eh, I'll be honest, I have no life besides that and the Internet. Though I don't really think some people consider the Internet 'life' unless your job is with computers and what have you. People say I have no life, sometimes joking, sadly its true despite it.

I asked my mom to ask her boss at work if I could get a job there on Saturdays unfortunately they can't afford to pay me because things are so tight, and the lack of people coming in. I get money doing random things every so often if I ask or vice versa. Like I get paid for wrapping Christmas presents the other day. Haven't gotten the money in hand ya since it was a check up I got some money.

Now I'm saving up money to get a new 20th ann. OP they have out now. Why its 20th ann. idk since the 20th ann. was like four five years ago. But its awesome! gotta get it >__< 'Artificer Project' the other day. Its the end just got to get up an epiologe sometime. Now I'm working on the next chapter to PaxC. taking a while but it shouldn't be to much longer. It will probably turn out short to unless I come up with something more in it. Doughtful though.

Well that's all for today, or tonight really.



Monday, October 20, 2008

I'm an Epic Fail. . .

Not a lot going on, really, but then again why should I suspect anything else. Nine weeks testing is coming up, not much of a worry besides Algerbra anyway. We took a test in class today. . .which I know I faild epicly. Other than that I'm doing find, my classes I'm never worried about, though I think I should me slightly nervous about biology, there's a lot of stuff to remember. I don't know how it will turn out.

It just started getting really cold btw, and I mean like really really cold I stole my moms jacket and wore it to school today. I wish we hadn't had to go out in the workshop today because we always open the garage door. Needless to say I was glad I decided to wear my Master Cheif long sleav shirt. Put a tank top on underneath it to. Oh yeah, I took my jacket off just in case the sparks from the welding didn't burn holes in the jacket not just because its not mine but because I don't think my mom wouldn't care much for that and that's how I am.

Got home today and moma decided to turn the heat on, ya know that smell you get after turning the heat on for the first time in like months...yeah it stinks. Gave me a freaking headache. I was hopping she'd turn it on during the day while I was at school but noooo. She said she didn't turn it on today because it wasn't cold...I laugh sarcastically. Then again I'm cold natured like a vampire, so says my mom. I hate the freaking cold. ITS COLD. >__<

On to other things. Mainly stories...(duh) I'm currently working on the next chapter, hopefully the last of Artificer Project, its turning out okay I suppose. Its being a pain kinda sorta, but mainly because I can't seem to focus on right now I'm typing this up when I should be working on it. Curse me! That and I've been sidetracked with this mecha universe story thing that came from me watching to much Macross Frontier & wishing SD Gundam still came on. Its really cool...though it already has multiple story plots. The section of my brain that controls imagination is so over worked, let me tell you. And today I've wrote nearly seven pages of this other story that I just randomly started writing about. You know how hard it is to write on a school bus? Its an art, seriously.

Anyhoo, I'll be getting back to Pax Cybertronia sometime in the near future, I don't know when or if I'll just delete it since not many people seem all to fond of it. I know this sounds selfish but I want some more reviews!. It does really help -really- and like I said sometime before somewhere else; I don't like doing something that isn't really worth it. Cyber space is a endless, but I don't like taking up needed space. I know I'm weird, you don't have to tell me.

I might just do that. Wordpress has this new poll thing...I should try it out...I'm going to go delete me piczo account, too. Yeah

I think that's all for now.


Thursday, October 9, 2008

GT,BP - A/N's

Holographic Transom: Ever watched Treasure Planet? I don’t know what its really called but that’s my designation of it. Its what the boy’s mother turns from one scene to anther (meadow) while talking to the scientist early in the movie. Just different. (is no help what so ever)

To the author note:

Many did the chapter title give away everything. It was kinda obvious (to some I imagine) where I was going with this.

Darn chapter sat uncomplete on my computer for I don't know how long till I got an ounce of my muse back. Pain in the aft it was. Came out being probably my fav chapter though! I originally had a completely different chapter already typed up on my laptop. . .that one was old and major suchish so I had to re-due it.

If you’re curious as to what happened on the end, well, go read ‘The Rare Side of a Tyrant’ and connect the dots ;) This chapter seems so different from what I usually do but I think that’s why I like it. Now hopefully I can do the same when I start back working on my two other fics. Still haven't decided if I'm going to carry this on to one last chapter yet an epilogue. Probably wont so I'm going to go ahead and put it into 'Complete'. Its about time anyway this story seemed to carry out forever in just not wanting to get done. ITS FINISHED. . .perhaps.

I'm going to get some pictures of Quick Silver's team someday!

There's some other stuff I wanted to say, but I forgot >_<

-Prime R.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

TF Quiz

(Doesn't know why there's a large space here)

Transformers (Movie): Which are you?
created with
You scored as Iron Hide

You are Iron Hide. Optimus Prime's weapon specialist. Go do the United States a favor and blow up the Middle East so there will be no more terrorist issues.

Iron Hide






Optimus Prime


Bumble Bee




(Same goes for why here?)

Which Transformers Cybertron (Galaxy force) character are you?
created with
You scored as Wing Saber

Wing Saber














Optimus Prime


Ooookay, I can totally see Ironhide but WingSaber? I didn't suspect that...not that I'm compalining much he's a cool dude, but I wouldn't be a push over to a little human female whose only as tall as my ankle.

My Workspace

*Don't ya like my Bumblebee picture?! I have no idea why I drew that stupid little bunny in the courner >_<*

Yes I have nothing better to do so I did this. I've actually had the pictures taken a while but just got around to adding my disgusting handwriting - In MS Paint - recently. Like yesterday. The bottom is where I'm at most of time when I'm home during school weeks. And YES! I do, do homework using my computer...every so often anyway. Most of the time I finish my 'homework' at school or like this evening on the bus. The top picture is of my infamous notebook and binder. That's one way to identify me. My binder goes almost nowhere w/o me & yes I'm serious about that. My notebook besides writting my stories, I mostly write random notes from school to just random crap like work translations or quotes and the occasionally a math problem.

Well, I believe that's all for now anyway. At least what I can think of.

Oh wait, while it poped into my head. For those who got here via my site I'm working - and almost done with that one-shot...or at least one of them. I still haven't figure out where I'm going to put it yet. Darn it!


Friday, October 3, 2008

Just Bothersome

Jeez, I don't know what's gotten into me but for some reason I can't seem able to find urm, motivation, inspiration? I don't know but its really bothering me. I'm trying to finish the next chapter of 'Good Things, Bad People' but its just seating there without new words, ya know. Its my priority right now to finish. I'll figure it out or just leave it half full. (grumbles)

Currently its moving a long very very slowly, but hopfully since I'll have some time this weekend I'll get it done and get it edited to my likling and finally upload to I don't know how many more chapters there will be of it but not more than three. . .or two for that matter. I had some other stuff planned for it but considering how much its being a pain that's why it will end so short. I'll probably leave it something akin to a cliffhanger but not at the same time. I wanna tell more but I don't want to give away the whole reason behind this fic. . .though I'm sure some have already guessed what's going to happen.

For those people that have a time 'catching up' (no offense to anyone b/c I'm like that some times lol) that will just help with the plot urm, twist(?) to be more exciting I guess.

That's all from me for the moment...

-Prime R.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

School, Stories, & Other Crap

Schools been back in for 'bout three weeks now. I like my classes for the most part. It really sucks though b/c I had to get switched back into algebra from my natural recourse class b/c I failed it last year (yes I suck majorly at math and anything dealing with it.) I think my algebra teacher is all right but I liked my agriculture teacher more, darn it! He's freaking awesome! *pumps fist in air* Taking agriculture mechanics 1, biology, algebra(now), and digital communications. Yeah, in that order.

I'd like biology more if there wasn't so many talkative plp. We couldn't do any labs (well minus one) this past week b/c 'we' -meaning the class not me or maybe like five other people, I'm not a very talktive person when it comes to school. . .I guess. But they pissed off our teacher last week. The same goes for agi.mech. I. To many damn talkative people pissing the teacher off, I wanna have a good year this year fraggit!! Last year sucked ass. We probably wont be working in the shop in agi.mech. 1 this year much b/c of all the other 'kids' screwing around.

From throwing paper balls and erasers to just not shutting their pieholes.

On to other things. Stories: Right now my stories that I'm working on haven't really gotten anywhere. I've started a new chapter to 'Good Things, Bad People'. Only a paragraph though. I all ready had a chapter written but that was from like a years ago and really sucked. So sometime I'll get a new one up regarding that.

I'm working on a few other stories while at school -back to a spiral wringed notebook again- and they've been back and forth. Like right now I have a chapter of what I plan on being on of 'Band of Brothers' chapters. Actually got two. I'm also working on finishing up the 'last' chapter of 'Mission Objective One: Prologue'. The couple of chapters I got up need some editing before I post them up. 'Chain on the Wheels', & 'Would You Prefer A Game of Chess?' isn't really getting anywhere though I do have a chapter of the later story in my notebook.

*goes throw notebook*

I have another one-shot in my book to but it needs work. . .and typing up but I don't know if I'll be posting it up. Wanna add it to 'Multi. Flavored Ice Cream' but I don't know yet. And on top of all that I'm working on my other story 'Pax Cybertronia' which I really need to get to between working on GTBP. I have this other one-shot I'm working on to joint off Pax C.

So now on top of school (which I still think sucks despite the cool teachers and algebra) my art I'm working on inbetween other things, catching up on some shows I need to watch that are waiting on my DVR, watching Evagelion, and who knows what else I don't have anytime.

But like I always tell me mom: "I'll just make time." XD Which I do. Well that's all for now, later.
