Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Yay For Firefox!!

Alright like I was saying earler my laptop that my aunt gave me that wouldn't let me watch videos and listen to music and stuff. My mom took the thing to work with her to get a friend to work on it. He worked one it almost all day, he did everything under the sun he could think of, FINALLY it works. I'm soooo happy now ^__^. He got the windows installer thing to stop poping up. He didn't know what it was but got it to stop. lol. He installed firefox into the laptop - since it didn't have it installed yet - but now it does and it WORKS.

Got home last night and watched Gundam Wing on it. I was a happy camper!! Yeah!

Now though we have to open up the Internet via Mozilla Firefox instead of Internet Explorer. The thing is alright, looks awekward on my laptop and when I save pictures the side bar thing-y pops up and scans it for viruses. It gets in the way while I'm doing other stuff. Other than that Its alright, still figuring the thing out.

Its different from the one at school though which is odd but its probably an older version or something. Idk. But I can watch my anime at home instead of going to my grandparents and listen to my Pandora.

Like I said I'm a happy camper now. Or at least satisfied at the moment. . .heh >__>

-PrimeR out!

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