Thursday, October 2, 2008

School, Stories, & Other Crap

Schools been back in for 'bout three weeks now. I like my classes for the most part. It really sucks though b/c I had to get switched back into algebra from my natural recourse class b/c I failed it last year (yes I suck majorly at math and anything dealing with it.) I think my algebra teacher is all right but I liked my agriculture teacher more, darn it! He's freaking awesome! *pumps fist in air* Taking agriculture mechanics 1, biology, algebra(now), and digital communications. Yeah, in that order.

I'd like biology more if there wasn't so many talkative plp. We couldn't do any labs (well minus one) this past week b/c 'we' -meaning the class not me or maybe like five other people, I'm not a very talktive person when it comes to school. . .I guess. But they pissed off our teacher last week. The same goes for agi.mech. I. To many damn talkative people pissing the teacher off, I wanna have a good year this year fraggit!! Last year sucked ass. We probably wont be working in the shop in agi.mech. 1 this year much b/c of all the other 'kids' screwing around.

From throwing paper balls and erasers to just not shutting their pieholes.

On to other things. Stories: Right now my stories that I'm working on haven't really gotten anywhere. I've started a new chapter to 'Good Things, Bad People'. Only a paragraph though. I all ready had a chapter written but that was from like a years ago and really sucked. So sometime I'll get a new one up regarding that.

I'm working on a few other stories while at school -back to a spiral wringed notebook again- and they've been back and forth. Like right now I have a chapter of what I plan on being on of 'Band of Brothers' chapters. Actually got two. I'm also working on finishing up the 'last' chapter of 'Mission Objective One: Prologue'. The couple of chapters I got up need some editing before I post them up. 'Chain on the Wheels', & 'Would You Prefer A Game of Chess?' isn't really getting anywhere though I do have a chapter of the later story in my notebook.

*goes throw notebook*

I have another one-shot in my book to but it needs work. . .and typing up but I don't know if I'll be posting it up. Wanna add it to 'Multi. Flavored Ice Cream' but I don't know yet. And on top of all that I'm working on my other story 'Pax Cybertronia' which I really need to get to between working on GTBP. I have this other one-shot I'm working on to joint off Pax C.

So now on top of school (which I still think sucks despite the cool teachers and algebra) my art I'm working on inbetween other things, catching up on some shows I need to watch that are waiting on my DVR, watching Evagelion, and who knows what else I don't have anytime.

But like I always tell me mom: "I'll just make time." XD Which I do. Well that's all for now, later.


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