Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shameless Fanservicing

Okay, I won't be the last to admit, I'd probably be the first to raise my hand, that I like planes and I like anime.

Anyway, recently this anime called Strike Witches by Funamation caught my attention. Actually the first time I saw it in Newtype USA before they stopped issuing them out, and being that I like jet's and anime I caught my attention. It's actually a cool idea but. . .kinda stupid.

I've grown use to how pure illogical some anime can be. Strike Wtiches is one of them that takes the cake. . .and the trophy and your silverwear.

From watching the trailer on the site it's basically the Navy/Airforce take a new route on how to destroy alien invaders. Okay I can see that, but I haven't finished yet. They use cute young looking girls (don't they always), put plane parts on their legs and take away their pants leaving them with nothing but their swimming-suite-looking bottom's.

Now tell me, doesn't that sound like the stupidest shit ever? Because it is. But hell, I'd probably buy the figures if they had a resonable price tag on them.

Mind you, the idea all together is stupid (why would the military use girls with plane parts on their legs (and no pants) to fight alien invaders?)

I'm still going to see if I can find it somewhere on the net and watch.

Don't get me wrong, I know better not to judge a book (or is this case anime) by is cover, so I need to watch. But still. It's sounds so stupid it makes me laugh.

Oh and I almost forgot; they have animal ears and tails. . .wth? How pointless is that?!


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