Thursday, December 31, 2009

My Country

You're Egypt!

Curator of ancient mystical secrets, your life on the surface is fairly
typical these days. Though you are in denial about more things than most people.
Nevertheless, you're trying to convince people that you're safe despite your more
volatile and unstable times that seem to be behind you. You like cats a whole lot.
You'd probably really appreciate The Blue

Take the Country Quiz
at the Blue Pyramid

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shameless Fanservicing

Okay, I won't be the last to admit, I'd probably be the first to raise my hand, that I like planes and I like anime.

Anyway, recently this anime called Strike Witches by Funamation caught my attention. Actually the first time I saw it in Newtype USA before they stopped issuing them out, and being that I like jet's and anime I caught my attention. It's actually a cool idea but. . .kinda stupid.

I've grown use to how pure illogical some anime can be. Strike Wtiches is one of them that takes the cake. . .and the trophy and your silverwear.

From watching the trailer on the site it's basically the Navy/Airforce take a new route on how to destroy alien invaders. Okay I can see that, but I haven't finished yet. They use cute young looking girls (don't they always), put plane parts on their legs and take away their pants leaving them with nothing but their swimming-suite-looking bottom's.

Now tell me, doesn't that sound like the stupidest shit ever? Because it is. But hell, I'd probably buy the figures if they had a resonable price tag on them.

Mind you, the idea all together is stupid (why would the military use girls with plane parts on their legs (and no pants) to fight alien invaders?)

I'm still going to see if I can find it somewhere on the net and watch.

Don't get me wrong, I know better not to judge a book (or is this case anime) by is cover, so I need to watch. But still. It's sounds so stupid it makes me laugh.

Oh and I almost forgot; they have animal ears and tails. . .wth? How pointless is that?!


Saturday, December 26, 2009

Smurf Quiz

Take the quiz here to find out which Smurf you are.

Stupid Screen-shots

If you can't tell, or just don't know, the following is from an old kids anime show called Medabot's. Still attempting to catch up on watching it, but I haven't been watching much anime here lately.

1st episode? Idk but close to it. B/c Medabee is a insect/beetle type Medabot he's attracted to the Melon. It's a funny scene.

I just like Rokusho's expression. That and the scene just before it is hilarious.

lol at Medabee

Top left hand corner. Mr. Referee and that guy that always has the baby chickens.

And, no, I don't r/m which episodes these came from.

Friday, December 25, 2009

Serious Multitasking

A friend sent me this. Thought I'd share.

That's just, wow, I don't know whether to be exasperated or impressed.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Official Iron Man Teaser Trailer

Completely awesome...doesn't look like it'll be up to the same par as IM-I but its a squeal. What can you suspect? But I'm going to go see it anyway.

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Review: Into The Wild

From Erin Hunter's 'Warriors' series, 1st book Into the Wild.

It was a really quick read, but what can you suspect from a 10+ reading level. That tells something about my mentailty, huh lol.

Anyway, I picked up the book after skimming through a few fanart's of in the past and being a cat person, I figured I'd pick it up and try it out.

I wasn't disappointed.

Because there was a large cast of character's in this book, some with very similar names. Like Ravenpaw and Tigerpaw. I got a little confused at first but it quickly passed.

I love the setting that Erin Hunter set up here and the society of the cats and how they look at their world. Though, it does go in depth with ThunderClan and their cats, you know there's three other Clan's out there. While you're reading the book, which is mostly focused on Firepaw and its friends, you come to realized there a far larger pictures/story that's being played out even though you don't actually get to see/read it. Especially when Tigerpaw starts coming into play and dealing with the other clans.

My favorite part is with Yellowfang comes into the picture. She's a very interesting character and also plays a very important part of the story, as you'll find out if you read it.

Recomended read. especially if you like cats. ;)

Thursday, December 17, 2009

Review: Unclean

Books I've picked up but never finished and probably wont:

The Zero Game, I may actually finish sometime just out of my own self curiosity. The Alienist. . .it was just to damn wordy/lenghty and I was wondering. . .when is this book getting started? Not saying its bad, that was just my op..


Now for the review, Unclean's by Richard Lee Byers, which is part of Wizard's 'Forgotten Realms' series. It's pretty much the definition of dark fantasy. It includes magic, (mentions) of flying horses, ghouls, demons, ghost, griffins, etc. you name it.

I'm not much of a serious fantasy person like some people, never have been, but I wont deny the appeal to it. I prefer the movies though. And its from Wizards of the Coast, so that should tell you something.

Besides being pretty much lost for a good portion of the book, I really did like this book. Seriously, I was like 'wtf is going on?!' but eventurally as I got a several chapter's in I figured it out and pretty much didn't put it down till I finished it. Like I said; I'm not a fantasy literature kind of person, but even so, if you don't care, really, what you read, like I do usually, this is one to pick up. Not necessarily to buy but all the same; read.
There was quite a character cast too, which often get's me confused and it did in this book. But after a while after the started focusing on some of the main character's, I get on track.
If I can find Book II, I'll pick it up and get reading it. :)

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Teaser Poster - Iron Man II


...never heard of him.

Ya can find more cool pics from Iron Man II here.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Tron Game Trailer

Here on Newsarama.

I might have to go out and get this. Or find someone whole be getting it and play it then XD


Sunday, December 13, 2009

Comic Books Controversy

Yeah, I'm a comic book geek. While mostly into Transformers fandom and Marvel, I'm trying to catch up and get into things. I'm more interested in older comic books than newer ones. Not saying I wouldn't read them if I got the chance mind you.

As a comic book fan I've heard in the past, and quite aware that many people don't believe that comic books is an important means for children to learn how to read. Its just to simplified, that it doesn't reach the more complex of reading books and other literature.

I say; 'you're wrong'. Just because it has far more pictures and far las paragraphs, doesn't mean its not a form of proper literature. I good part of reading coimcs is what's written down in those usually white bubbles. Yeah, the pictures are great to look at, that's always a series turn on for fans whom love comics with a passion. But its also the writing. Trust me, being a comic person, I know this. Furman, McCarthy, and Morwy are just a small handful of writer's that I like. All of which write really good, indepth words. Its how you use them that makes it. And they make it.

Some of the most powerful quotes out there by famous people are just a sentence long.

Anyway, this, from Newsarama, is where I'm getting my fuel from.

Check it! out, read, give me your op :)

btw, don't get me wrong. I look books. I'm a book nerd and can often be found with my 'nose in a book'. But this also includes comic books and manga ;)

Alos, I can't spell to save my life w/o spell check you may have noticed. So...what's that say? And I love to write! my own fiction!

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

More Teasing from Tron

December 2010 is a long ways away.

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Iron Man II

Both me and my mom have been waiting for it for ages. It took longer, than say Transformers, for its sequal because Robert Downey Jr. was working on Sherlock Holmes, which is due out Christmas day. But finally! We've been given a teaser trailer. Well...actually two I think, its floating around here and there.

Above is the 'international' teaser trailer apparently.

Instead of me waisting words. . .and b/c I didn't quite understand the brief 411 Empire gave us. Check it out here, on Empire Online.

Iron Man II is due out next May on the 7th.