Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Disney Take's Marvel for 4 Billion

From what I can tell, since it was let out, that the news had been spreading like wildfire. From what I can tell, it was completely by surprise i.e no one suspected this move from either companies. This fact alone is a great feet considering how easily leaks can seep out, whether it be the Internet world or the real world. And I'm sure something like this has been planning and going on for some time yet.

This move will give Disney rights to the Marvel's 5 thousand some characters. Also in the furture it will bring quality branded content to people whom are fans of Marvel.

Some of Marvel's character's, which are going to be getting movies in the future or sequals to previous movies. Such as Iron Man II coming out next summer. With following movies such as Thor, Avengers just to name one or two.

From reading other articles, one good aspect from this is that in the past Disney while yes, some guys like it, in truth it has focused more on girls, princesses and the like. Though Toy Story and Car's has been a good ditch effort if I may say.

If you wanna read more about this check out these articles:



Oh! Thanks for the 101 hits! :3

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