Not a book this time! It's anime, this go.
Finished Gundam Seed a day or two ago. I'd really like to compare it to Destiny, Astray, and it's movies but I haven't gotten that far. So I can't do that yet.
Anyhoo. Spoilers. Just to let you know, for those whom haven't seen it.
Seed was great. Though, like normal either a anime is to drawn out or not drawn out enough. Seed was drawn out in a lot of places and several of the episodes I just had it playing as a background noise/have attention while I did other stuff. But of course when several of the arch's started rolling around and getting more intense they got more interesting.
I have to admit, there was one or two parts that I can say I didn't see coming. Like Kira waking up at Clyne's place. I went
WTF and Klaga dieing near the end,
not cool man.
I think my favorite (can you call it favorite?) was when, later on in the episodes close to the end, when Freedom got it's head blown off. Then, like, and episode (maybe in the same episode) they somehow popped one back on like a Revoltech. Okay, yeah, its anime and what knot but how what the hell. They just randomly have Gundam head's lying around?! I lol'd hard.
Lacus Clyne. I have to admit, she turned out better as a charater that I thought she was. She's girly but ended up being a very serious calm, level headed person in the end. I didn't suspect that, but I liked it.
Enough rambling, that's about the jist of it for me.
Overall, Seed was a great show, little lenghty at parts, but worth it I suppose. It's a
watch at least.
4 out of 5 stars :)